Start: Jan 20, 2013 20:00
End: Jan 20, 2013 20:30
Vancouver Convention Centre West 1055 Canada Place,
Vancouver, BC,
As part of the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, the workshop brings you to the the world's largest investor focused resource exploration conference and the largest of all annual trade shows held in Vancouver, Canada. At the 2012 conference, over 600 companies, upwards of 60 expert analysts and 11,000 delegates gathered to network and share ideas. Companies covering every corner of mineral exploration sector are represented along with metals dealers, oil & gas, renewable energy, media and financial services companies. The annual event is a must attend for investors and participants in the global mining industry.
Presented by Adrain Day, a British-born writer and money manager who has made a name for himself searching out unusual opportunities around the world. He has two books on the subject, including the groundbreaking Investing Without Borders. A graduate of the London School of Economics, he is president of his own money management firm, Adrian Day Asset Management, where he specializes in global diversification and resource equities for individual and institutional clients. He has been a frequent guest on CNBC, and Wall Street Journal radio, and has been interviewed in Barron’s, The Cape Town Argus, La Vie Francais, and many other leading publications.
His latest book, just published, is the acclaimed Investing in Resources: How to Profit from the Outsized Potential and Avoid the Risks, published by Wiley.