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Price Action Toolset For Day Traders: Scalping Supply & Demand Zones

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The markets are ever-changing. Every day the market adopts different behavior characteristics. Trading the daily bias allows traders the agility for fast updating the market view due to its impulsive changes.

Besides analysis and bias, day trading has many more advantages. Being out from the market at the end of the trading session, has a positive effect for the trader’s lifestyle, in terms of less pressure, defined working hours, faster learning and improvement curve, and much more. 

In the upcoming series of webinars, we will dive deep into how to analyze day trading opportunities based on Order flow/supply and demand and price action concepts. 

  • Scalping Supply & Demand Zones

  • Day trading Flags and Poles

  • High probability retracement techniques

  • The only Price Action Confirmation Chart Pattern you should know 

Gil Ben-Hur

Gil Ben-Hur is the founder and CEO of The5ers Funding Traders & Growth Program. The5ers Fund forex traders with 100% trading capital, 50% profit share, and 10% net gain target milestone to double the account size.  
Gil started his trading career in 2007, as an independent portfolio manager. In 2011 he establishes free education forums website dedicated to pricing action trading. Aside for trading, and by his firm belief that teaching is the best way for perfecting trading skills, Gil becomes a passionate trading educator teaching thousands of traders, within his community website, in-classroom seminars, and as a private traders’ coach.
Price Action Toolset For Day Traders: Scalping Supply & Demand Zones
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