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Metals Futures Technical Analysis Summary

Name Type 5 Minutes 15 Minutes Hourly Daily
Copper Moving Averages: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Buy
Indicators: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Summary: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Neutral
Gold Moving Averages: Strong Sell Sell Sell Buy
Indicators: Strong Sell Strong Sell Neutral Strong Sell
Summary: Strong Sell Strong Sell Neutral Neutral
Palladium Moving Averages: Sell Sell Sell Sell
Indicators: Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Summary: Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Platinum Moving Averages: Sell Buy Neutral Sell
Indicators: Sell Sell Buy Strong Sell
Summary: Sell Neutral Neutral Strong Sell
Silver Moving Averages: Sell Buy Strong Buy Buy
Indicators: Strong Sell Buy Buy Strong Sell
Summary: Strong Sell Buy Strong Buy Neutral
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