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Lance Roberts
Conviction: How to Lose a Lot of Money in Investing By Lance Roberts - Apr 28, 2023

Conviction (kan-vik-shan): noun, a strong persuasion or belief; the state of being convinced.In life, there are things that we should be convicted and committed to. For example, the love for our...

Lance Roberts
Should You Sell in May and Go Away? By Lance Roberts - Apr 25, 2023

An old adage says investors should “Sell May And Go Away.”The historical analysis suggests summer months of the market tend to be the weakest of the year. The mathematical statistics prove...

Lance Roberts
Receding Inflation Isn't as Bullish as Some May Think By Lance Roberts - Apr 21, 2023

What can breakeven inflation rates tell us about oil prices, energy stocks, and market direction? It turns out it’s a lot more than you think.Since 2021, as the impact of an economic shutdown...

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