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Market Overview

Michael Ashton
Weekly Inflation Outlook: Bean Loaf Ahead? By Michael Ashton - Aug 15, 2022

CPI report was a positive surprise, but Median CPI rose at a 6.3% Surprise caused by large moves in small ‘tail’ items rather than a broad lessening of pressures More stories about how...

Francesco Casarella
Earnings Hold, Markets Rebound; What's Next? By Francesco Casarella - Aug 09, 2022

Earnings show that companies (except for the banking sector) managed to pass on inflation almost entirely to the final customer Costs have increased considerably, pressuring margins—especially...

Michael Ashton
Weekly Inflation Outlook: Wages Are Following Prices Higher By Michael Ashton - Aug 08, 2022

Money illusion has made the energy spike look worse than it is The CPI report is this week; Will median show any sign of peaking? Wages do not appear to be slowing at all. Last week, I mused about...

Michael Kramer
Markets May Have Miscalculated The U.S. Federal Reserve By Michael Kramer - Aug 05, 2022

Following FOMC meeting, markets have been pricing a kinder Fed But Fed governors and board members have been pushing back May turn out that markets have made a massive miscalculation The pivot to a...

Mike Zaccardi, CFA, CMT
Retail Earnings In Focus As Kids Return To The Classroom By Mike Zaccardi, CFA, CMT - Aug 03, 2022

Back-to-school shopping season underway Another record year of spending expected Consumer Discretionary sector performed best since the market low The back-to-school shopping season is in full swing...

Michael Ashton
Weekly Inflation Outlook: What Labels Matter By Michael Ashton - Aug 01, 2022

The debate over whether we are in a recession is not material to monetary policy or market action. Another term that is broadly agreed upon, but even less useful, is the Non-Accelerating Inflation...

Michael Kramer
U.S. Markets Entering Self-Defeating Feedback Loop By Michael Kramer - Jul 29, 2022 1

The markets may be entering a vicious feedback loop that could prove self-defeating. In recent weeks, expectations of an economic slowdown have led many commodities to decline, leading inflation...

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