Volatility Shares Trust - Volatility Premium Plus ETF is an exchange traded fund launched and managed by Volatility Shares LLC. The fund is co-managed by Penserra Capital Management LLC. It invests in public equity and fixed income markets. For its equity portion, the fund invests through derivatives in stocks of companies operating across diversified sectors. It employs short strategy and uses derivatives such as futures, options, swaps, forwards to create its portfolio. It invests in growth and value stocks of companies across diversified market capitalization. For its fixed income portion, the fund invests in cash-like instruments or high-quality securities. It employs quantitative analysis to create its portfolio. The fund invests in VIX futures contracts through its wholly-owned Cayman Islands subsidiary. Volatility Shares Trust - Volatility Premium Plus ETF was formed on April 19, 2023 and is domiciled in the United States.