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Denmark - Funds

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 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 Danske Invest Nye Markeder Obligasjon Lokal Valuta0P0001.140.320-0.45%81.88M27/03 
 Jyske Invest Nye Obligationsmarkeder Valuta KL0P0000.110.760-0.05%652.04M27/03 
 LI Obligationer Emerging Markets0P0001.99.110-0.21%2.43B27/03 
 LI Obligationer Emerging Markets Akk KL0P0001.133.660-0.20%2.43B27/03 
 Danske Invest Nye Markeder Obligationer Lokal Valu0P0000.109.070+0.24%199.95M06:00:00 
 BankInvest Emerging Markets Obligationer Lokalvalu0P0000.99.420-0.29%201.73M27/03 
 Investin EMD Local Currency0P0001.93,031.090-0.05%497.44M26/03 
 Danske Invest Nye Markeder Obligasjon Lokal Valuta0P0001.123.380+0.32%244.46M06:00:00 
 Sydinvest EM Local Currency Bonds I EUR0P0001.1,940.030-0.19%816.75K27/03 
 Danske Invest Nye Markeder Obligationer Lokal Valu0P0001.111.540+0.21%11.41M06:00:00 
 Nye Markeder Obligationer Lokal Valuta - Akkumuler0P0000.10.010-0.60%2.24M27/03 

Finland - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 Aktia Emerging Market Local Currency Frontier Bond0P0001.1.096-0.29%462.34M27/03 
 Aktia Emerging Market Local Currency Frontier Bond0P0001.1.511-0.28%462.34M27/03 
 Aktia Emerging Market Local Currency Frontier Bond0P0001.1.148-0.29%462.34M27/03 
 Aktia Emerging Market Local Currency Frontier Bond0P0001.1.442-0.29%462.34M27/03 
 Aktia Emerging Market Local Currency Bond B0P0000.2.081-0.37%315.11M27/03 
 Aktia Emerging Market Local Currency Bond AAKTEML.1.304-0.37%315.11M27/03 
 Aktia Emerging Market Local Currency Bond C0P0000.1.407-0.37%315.11M27/03 
 Aktia Emerging Market Local Currency Bond D0P0000.2.222-0.37%315.11M27/03 
 Säästöpankki Kehittyvät Korkomarkkinat B0P0001.40.296-0.27%17.45M27/03 
 eQ Emerging Markets Corporate Bond Local currency 0P0000.149.317-0.00%11.34M26/03 
 eQ Emerging Markets Corporate Bond Local currency10P0000.92.816-0.00%11.34M26/03 

Germany - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 Weltzins-INVEST (I)0P0001.20.850+0.05%151.62M27/03 
 Weltzins-INVEST (T)0P0001.35.890+0.06%131.73M27/03 
 Weltzins-INVEST PLP6805.19.5200.00%1.21B27/03 
 Berenberg activeQ Global Bonds AK I0P0000.76.310-0.25%94.19M27/03 
 Berenberg activeQ Global Bonds AK R0P0000.76.200-0.25%94.19M27/03 

Ireland - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 Colchester Local Markets Bond Fund USD Unhedged Ac0P0001.10.301-0.36%4.19B27/03 
 Wellington Emerging Local Debt Fund USD NR Ac0P0000.9.885-0.14%540.83M27/03 
 Rubrics Emerging Markets Fixed Income UCITS Fund C0P0000.142.680-0.20%1.48M26/03 
 Rubrics Emerging Markets Fixed Income UCITS Fund C0P0000.126.940-0.20%1.48M26/03 

Italy - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 Arca Bond Paesi Emergenti Valuta Local P0P0000.6.340-0.02%357.14M26/03 

Liechtenstein - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 LGT Bond Fund EMMA LC (EUR) IM0P0000.1,602.830-0.27%57.6M27/03 

Luxembourg - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Local Currency D0P0001.4.840-0.21%955.6M27/03 
 DPAM L - Bonds Emerging Markets Sustainable A0P0000.93.850-0.28%3.57B27/03 
 DPAM L - Bonds Emerging Markets Sustainable B0P0000.146.890-0.28%3.57B27/03 
 DPAM L - Bonds Emerging Markets Sustainable E0P0000.99.130-0.27%3.57B27/03 
 DPAM L - Bonds Emerging Markets Sustainable F0P0000.156.400-0.28%3.57B27/03 
 DPAM L - Bonds Emerging Markets Sustainable W0P0000.155.890-0.28%3.57B27/03 
 BlackRock Global Funds - Emerging Markets Local Cu0P0001.6.630-0.15%42.99M27/03 
 Pictet-Emerging Local Currency Debt Z dy USD0P0001.106.420-0.17%2.04B26/03 
 Pictet-Emerging Local Currency Debt Z USD0P0000.216.350-0.18%2.04B26/03 
 Pictet-Emerging Local Currency Debt R EUR0P0000.141.020-0.01%2.04B26/03 
 Pictet-Emerging Local Currency Debt Z dy EUR0P0000.79.0600.00%2.04B26/03 
 Pictet-Emerging Local Currency Debt P dm EUR0P0000.81.2700.00%2.04B26/03 
 Pictet Global Selection Fund Global Emerg Sovereig0P0000.2,420.000+0.08%1.89B27/03 
 Templeton Emerging Markets Bond Fund A(Mdis)USD0P0000.3.880-0.51%970.95M27/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0001.13.708-0.17%1.66B27/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0001.31.494-0.22%1.66B27/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0000.12.822-0.10%1.66B27/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0001.6.082+0.26%1.66B04/10 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0000.8.484-0.02%1.66B27/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0001.57.396-0.23%1.66B27/03 

Spain - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 Julius Baer Multibond Local Emerging Bond Fund U0P0000.243.150-0.13%1.91M27/03 
 Ibercaja BP Global Bonds A FI146822.7.12+0.13%5.62M26/03 
 Ibercaja BP Global Bonds B FI146822.7.51+0.14%5.62M26/03 

Sweden - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 Handelsbanken Tillvֳ₪xtmarknad Obligation A1 SEK0P0001.124.080+0.02%146.37M19/03 

Switzerland - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 DPAM L - Bonds Emerging Markets Sustainable B CHF0P0001.136.900-0.36%3.57B27/03 
 DPAM L - Bonds Emerging Markets Sustainable F CHF0P0001.148.710-0.36%3.57B27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt0P0000.12.320+0.57%1.72B14/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt0P0001.10.740-0.56%1.72B27/03 
 Swisscanto Sammelstiftung Emerging Market Debt Fun0P0001.98.120-0.29%275.21M27/03 
 LO Funds - Emerging Local Currency Bond Fundamenta0P0000.8.847-0.01%22.71M26/03 
 Lombard Odier Funds - Emerging Local Currency Bond0P0000.8.714-0.01%22.71M26/03 

Taiwan - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 Fuh Hwa Emerging Market High Yield Bond Fund A0P0000.9.410-0.11%551M27/03 
 Fuh Hwa Emerging Market High Yield Bond Fund B0P0000.3.9700.00%551M27/03 

United Kingdom - Funds

 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0001.6.546-0.59%1.66B27/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0000.7.390-0.62%1.66B27/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0000.5.088-0.20%1.66B04/10 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0001.6.266-0.60%1.66B27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt0P0001.4.950-0.80%1.72B27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt0P0000.10.630-0.65%1.72B27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt0P0001.9.410-0.63%1.72B27/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global Emerging Mar0P0000.8.167-0.61%1.66B27/03 
 Standard Life Investments Global SICAV Emerging Ma0P0000.12.448-0.48%512.98M27/03 
 Ninety One Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fu0P0000.1.180-0.42%75.16M27/03 
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